Success Stories

YUHDAK Enters Into the Detroit Automobile Glass Production Line Supply Chain
After acquiring “automobile glass hemming machine” contract orders from the world’s largest automobile glass manufacturer, YUHDAK successfully broken into the American automobile supply chain. In joining the production line of an automobile glass giant based in Detroit, YUHDAK had to participate in a grueling selection process. It went up against European, American and Japanese firms in the first round, Chinese firms in the second and brands from Taiwan in the third, before ultimately being selected by the client.

YUHDAK’s Weatherstrip Machines Enter the Japanese Automobile Market
Automobile weatherstrips are used for protection and sealing operations, with their qualities directly affecting the product life of automobiles. YUHDAK believes with enough determination and effort, any issue can be solved. After satisfying the requirements of the Japanese automobile market for many years, YUHDAK successfully developed weatherstrip machines that meet the clients’ demanding standards in terms of quality, yield, durability, size, weight, joining, temperature and reproducibility.

YUHDAK’s BMC Injection Molding Machine Facilitates Business Operation and Integration for Major Taichung Gear Firm
BMC (Bulk Molding Compounds) injection molding machines specialize in the production of rubber products made primarily out of thermosetting plastics, with injected products possessing shock and heat resistance properties, making it ideal for automobile parts and electronic industries as well as casings and parts for household appliances and communication devices.